Laravel Interview Questions

Basic Laravel Interview Questions

Q1: What is Laravel? Why is it used?
A: Laravel is an open-source PHP framework designed for web application development. It follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, offering tools and features like routing, authentication, and database migrations to make development faster and more efficient.

Q2: What are service providers in Laravel?
A: Service providers are the central place to configure applications. They bootstrap various components like routing, events, and middleware. They are stored in the app/Providers directory, and you can register them in the config/app.php file.

Q3: What is Composer in Laravel?
A: Composer is a dependency management tool for PHP. Laravel uses Composer to manage its dependencies and libraries, making it easy to install, update, and manage third-party packages.

Q4: How does routing work in Laravel?
A: Laravel routes are defined in files stored in the routes directory, such as web.php for web routes and api.php for API routes. You can define routes using closures or controller actions.
Route::get(‘/home’, [HomeController::class, ‘index’]);

Q5: What is Eloquent ORM?
A: Eloquent is Laravel’s built-in Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system. It provides an intuitive and elegant way to interact with databases using models.
$users = User::all();

Intermediate Laravel Interview Questions

Q6: How does middleware work in Laravel?
A: Middleware filters HTTP requests entering the application. Common examples include authentication and logging. Middleware can be applied globally, on specific routes, or groups.
Route::middleware([‘auth’])->group(function () {
Route::get(‘/dashboard’, [DashboardController::class, ‘index’]);

Q7: What are the different types of relationships in Eloquent?
A: Laravel supports several types of relationships:

  • One to One: hasOne() and belongsTo()
  • One to Many: hasMany() and belongsTo()
  • Many to Many: belongsToMany()
  • Has Many Through: hasManyThrough()
  • Polymorphic Relationships

Q8: What is the purpose of migrations in Laravel?
A: Migrations are used to version-control database schema. They allow developers to create and modify tables in a structured and consistent manner. Example of creating a migration:
// php artisan make:migration create_users_table

Q9: How does dependency injection work in Laravel?
A: Laravel’s service container manages dependency injection by resolving class dependencies automatically. You can inject dependencies into a controller constructor or methods.
public function __construct(UserRepository $userRepo)
$this->userRepo = $userRepo;

Q10: What is the purpose of queues in Laravel?
A: Queues in Laravel allow you to defer the execution of time-consuming tasks like sending emails or processing video uploads. Laravel supports several queue drivers like database, redis, and sqs.
dispatch(new SendEmailJob($user));

Advanced Laravel Interview Questions

Q11: How can you implement event broadcasting in Laravel?
A: Event broadcasting allows server-side events to be sent to the client-side in real-time. Laravel uses Pusher, Redis, or other WebSocket implementations for broadcasting. Example:

  1. Create an event: php artisan make:event UserRegistered
  2. Add the ShouldBroadcast interface to broadcast the event.

Q12: What are Laravel Nova and Laravel Horizon?

  • Laravel Nova: A beautiful admin panel for managing resources.
  • Laravel Horizon: A dashboard for monitoring and managing queues.

Q13: What is the difference between lazy loading and eager loading in Laravel?

  • Lazy Loading: Loads relationships when accessed. Example: $post->comments.
  • Eager Loading: Preloads relationships to reduce queries. Example: $posts = Post::with('comments')->get();

Q14: How do you secure Laravel applications?
A: Key security practices include:

  • Use HTTPS for all routes.
  • Validate and sanitize user inputs.
  • Prevent SQL Injection using Eloquent or query bindings.
  • Use csrf_field() for CSRF protection.
  • Configure proper access controls and roles.

Q15: How does Laravel handle API rate limiting?
A: Laravel provides built-in support for API rate limiting using the RateLimiter facade. You can define rate limits in RouteServiceProvider.
RateLimiter::for(‘api’, function (Request $request) {
return Limit::perMinute(60);